Sunday, March 20, 2022

U.S. Supreme Court: SCOTUS History

The U.S. Supreme Court has been around in our nation's history for more than 100 years. The founding fathers had the offsite to separate governmental power for the protections of the people so that no one person or branch of government would have too much power. The legislative branch makes laws, the executive enforces laws, and the judicial branch interprets laws. The difference between the judicial branch from the others is that they have a lifetime appointment. They can also retire and get impeached just like regular political officers. The general electorate/population believes that when we elect the president they are the leader of the country and are the most powerful person in the country and in the world. But it is arguable, that the Supreme Court is the most powerful branch of government. In Marbury v. Madison, the supreme court granted themselves judicial review so that any action by the U.S. Congress and the president can be interpreted/deemed unconstitutional by the supreme court nor congress or the president can ignore the Supreme Court. They have no authority over Supreme Court decisions. The only check and balance the constitution holds for the Supreme Court is that the president can nominate the Supreme Court Justices and Congress has to approve of them. 

Article 3 of the Constitution establishes The Supreme Court, granting them power to create federal courts. SCOTUS is the highest federal court in the country and the head of the judicial branch. The courts can make judgments over laws in the country through the power of jurisdiction. Jurisdiction is the official power to make legal decisions and judgments. An important takeaway from the Supreme Court is that they are the most important part of the government. Without them this country would not have a federal court system and no one to interpret the Constitution. If the president and Congress had the power to interpret the Constitution, there would be multiple disagreements about interpretations and nothing would get done. 

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