Thursday, April 28, 2022

Diffusion theory

Why do so many people use instagram? Why is it relevant in society? Instagram is a social media platform that people around the world use to spread information, spread content, and post about day to day lives. The diffusion theory, described by Everett Rogers is that "diffusion is the process by which an innovation is communicated over the among the participants in a social system." This franchise has grown in the last decade with users joining online every day. With the last decade, Instagram has be used for the promotion of the self image online. People (especially young users) will post pictures of themselves online and get hundreds of likes. Because of this, Instagram has spread all over the world. The idea of getting satisfaction of the self image on the internet promotes the idea of posting more and more. The early adopters of this app have gotten the idea of how to make themselves look better and better on the internet so they can become a popular content creator. This app can also lead to toxicity and horrible mental health. Because image is everything on the internet, lacking in likes on this app can lead to a low self esteem. Many people online use the anonymous ability behind the screen to cyberbully others. This is an incredible downside to this platform because many people have taken their own lives because of the cyberbullying and lack of confidence one gets from seeing prettier people on the internet. Users will do anything to "look the part" in order to get the amount of likes to satisfy their confidence. With girls especially, many decrease is self love because of how society perceives women to look/act. However, despite this idea, many women have chosen to ignore what society asks of women and have chosen to be themselves on the internet to spread a more positive vibe to show how women do not have to be picture perfect in order to be liked on the internet. I do have instagram despite all of negative impacts social media has on people. I use social media to keep in contact with people I do not see in day-to-day life, post pictures of me and my friends, see promotions on news/movies/media/fashion, and promote the university I go to. I benefit greatly from this platform because of the friendships I have kept over the years of being apart from all the people I went to high school with. For me, this positive outweighs the negative outcomes of social media. I have learned to not care about what people think about my looks on social media. With the careless attitude towards what people think, I have gained confidence and love for myself while spending positive reinforcements to others. 

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