Wednesday, April 27, 2022

EOTO #2: Net Neutrality

The internet we use today is a diverse, equal substance that everyone in the world can use. Imagine if that didn't exist. Only the wealthiest people and business owners could have a fully functioning internet, while keeping other users/businesses from accessing content, spreading ideas, and speaking truth. The people who can't afford this internet would have limited access on news, media, music, and other accessibility's we have right now. 

Net Neutrality "is the idea that the relationship between you and content on the internet shouldn't be altered by internet service providers --- that ISPs should provide nondiscriminatory access to internet content, without manipulating the transfer of data, and treat all web traffic equally." With this implication, free speech and idea sharing is promoted. ISPs are not allowed to regulate what the people see/have access to. Without this concept we will not have as much diversity on the internet and it can quickly turn political. Some think that without this, that it is a violation of one of our First Amendment rights of freedom of speech/expression. We have the right to say whatever we want (with limitations) and express how we feel about certain issues. Without Net Neutrality this will be taken away on the internet. In a political sense, if one party takes over the internet the other party will not have the ability to speak freely on the internet. 

The younger generation will be greatly affected by this concept if it doesn't keep coming into play. ISPs will have access to the users ability to access different types of information by limiting the amount of information the people can see. Another affect is the younger generation will be limited on the distribution of ideas and speaking truth on the internet. This is where a political conflict can come into play. The people who can not afford to have access to all information will be express that this action takes away their freedom of speech/expression on the internet. This does not violate that First Amendment right because it is not involved with the government directly. Only the government can violate your rights. However, this action should not be taken lightly. This problem can lead to online bias with the companies that can afford to have access to the information getting posted. People will not be able to see both sides of the arguments and will have to take the writers word on what is being presented. 

A way that Net Neutrality can effect me is by how I listen to music. This music streaming service is very dependent on third-party platforms and other ISP connections. Because of this they are not their own independent service, so without Net Neutrality Spotify will be in danger. Spotify expressed worry that this service would be "put at a competitive disadvantage relative to larger competitors if broadband providers in the United States decrease across to certain content." This company would be competing hard for consumers to be interested in their streaming service against bigger/more expensive companies. Because they can not buy their way to get exposed to others on the internet, the companies that can afford to be on the internet can block the smaller companies from other consumers screens. Because of Net Neutrality consumers can freely choose whatever internet service they want and determine which one is the better option for them. 

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